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GetMotorStatus() - where did it go?


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We've written a CPLC as part of our motion control system that uses the GetMotorStatus() function call. However, that function call doesn't seem to exist anymore, as of the July 2010 IDE/firmware release. I was able to find rtpmaccapi.h which defines other motion and motor related functions, but I don't see any replacement for GetMotorStatus(). (I didn't see this change mentioned in any release notes, but perhaps I didn't look in the right place.) Also, is there any documentation for using the function calls in rtpmaccapi.h ?
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There is a better way to do this now. You still have the Motor[].Status[] structure but the better method is to use a GetResponse() with the command backup Motor[1].Status. This will report back the data structure name of each status bit and its value. This list is then easily parsed and used in an HMI display. In a CPLC you probably want to check the value of a particular bit. In that case use the pshm-> to access shared memory and the status bit name directly. So for in position check you would use if (pshm->Motor[1].InPosition == 1) { }
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