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A problem about SENDx in CLIPPER


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"If I62 is set to the default value of 0, these messages are terminated with a . If I62 is set to 1, the

is suppressed. With I62 set to 1, if it desired for a Turbo PMAC program to cause a to be

sent, the SEND^M command must be used (the carriage return character is )."


But in my clpper board,when I type a plc program as follows:


I62=1 SENDS “1“ 


From COM3 , I get "02 31 0D"(in ascII),where do 02 and 0D come from?


However,I changed the program :



I62=0 ; SENDS “1“ ; 


And again I get "02 31 0D"(in ascII).


So my questions are:

1. How can I surpress 02 and 0D in COM output?

2. I62 doesn't work.Is there something else I forgot ?




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The 0x02 is a or a bell character. You can disable sending it with setting I64=0. For suppressing the 0x0D or you can use I62. Note that PEWIN32PRO2 will change your settings, so for testing this don't use PEWIN32PRO2 and issue a save and $$$ after changing I62 and I64.



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