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vb.net error with ptalk


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first chance exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException' occurred in AxInterop.PTALKDTLib.dll


when i try to run my app i get this exception error


can anyone identify the error for me (new to .net ) old vb6 project that i upgraded to .net (not fun at all)



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first chance exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException' occurred in AxInterop.PTALKDTLib.dll


when i try to run my app i get this exception error


can anyone identify the error for me (new to .net ) old vb6 project that i upgraded to .net (not fun at all)




If using .NET 4 I think issue is that the PIA (primary interop assembly) is set to embedded.

Select the contol - properties - make embedded FALSE


See this post for details




Also if going to effort to move to .NET then should not use ptalk and go to pcommserver


I be glad to help and provide example code


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first chance exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException' occurred in AxInterop.PTALKDTLib.dll


when i try to run my app i get this exception error


can anyone identify the error for me (new to .net ) old vb6 project that i upgraded to .net (not fun at all)




If using .NET 4 I think issue is that the PIA (primary interop assembly) is set to embedded.

Select the contol - properties - make embedded FALSE


See this post for details




Also if going to effort to move to .NET then should not use ptalk and go to pcommserver


I be glad to help and provide example code



using ptalk .net demo i found that i wasnt declaring the instance and when i put that code in it works. The vb6 upgrade wizard did not bring everything in i needed.

thanks for the reply

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I agree that it would be best to drop the PTalk & upgrade to pcommserver if possible.

I have recently moved an application from VB6 to .NET & it was not as easy as I had hoped. The attached file describes a profiler that will identify areas needing updates before processing through the MS utility. There are other products on the market; this one would process my small application without purcha$$$e. Just reading through the documentation might be helpful if you're already familiar with .NET

I ended up rewriting rather than migrating. (sometimes the hard way is easier for dummies like me)

10 steps to migrate existing code to VB.doc

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I agree that it would be best to drop the PTalk & upgrade to pcommserver if possible.

I have recently moved an application from VB6 to .NET & it was not as easy as I had hoped. The attached file describes a profiler that will identify areas needing updates before processing through the MS utility. There are other products on the market; this one would process my small application without purcha$$$e. Just reading through the documentation might be helpful if you're already familiar with .NET

I ended up rewriting rather than migrating. (sometimes the hard way is easier for dummies like me)



Yes i agree i have mostly rewritten my code and it is working now. I am a novice at .net and I taught myself vb6 so i am no expert. I appreciate the input and if not for the push to get this machine running soon i would go back and go to pcomserver. However if it works its going at this point.

We use all our machines in house so some dy i can go back and upgrade it.



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