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P Variable Atomic read in C?


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I need to be able to read P variables from a "Background C application" with guaranteed Atomicity in the event that a higher priority thread (like a motion program) preempts me and writes to the same P variable halfway through the read. The C application is listed as a 32 bit Elf executable so it will read the 64 bit words as two 32 bit words and herein lies the problem.


Right now I'm using the shared memory pointer (pshm->) to access the P variables from my C application.


Any thoughts?


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In the Power PMAC, any access to a "double" (64-bit floating-point) variable is guaranteed to be atomic, a feature of the hardware floating-point engine in the processor.


I was pretty sure there *had* to be something like this, but it is good to make sure.


Thank you,



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I definitely know what *not* to do now. I had used the memcpy() routine in my program to do a P var backup, so I wanted to test that it was not behaving differently than, say, a "for" loop copy of "double" datatypes (I suspected it might). Well, to sum it up, it seems that the memcpy() function reads in 16 bit words based off of a quick experiment. See the complete code here:


Background C program, capp1.c:


#include 	// Global Rt/Gp Shared memory pointers
// The following is a projpp created file from the User defines
#include "../../Include/pp_proj.h"

int main(void) 
char buf[255];
double SaveDouble;


Send(1,"Capp Starting to monitor....");

	//SaveDouble=pshm->P[0]; //Capture value for later processing, keeping it synchronous. 
	memcpy(&SaveDouble, &pshm->P[0], sizeof(double)); //Now try it with memcpy which may acess the vars differently. 

	if(!((SaveDouble == 8888.0) || (SaveDouble == 9999.0)))
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Caught You. SaveDouble: %0.0f", SaveDouble);
		Send(1, buf);

//Put your code here
return 0;


Background "c" PLC:



void user_plcc()
struct timespec SleepTime={0};    // Initialize time structure
SleepTime.tv_nsec=1000000;        // 1000000 nanoseconds, which equals 1 msec



Note that when I use the commented out line:




the code produces no output at the Send() buffer. When using memcpy() it continuously barfs out the wrong values:


Port 1: Caught You. SaveDouble: 9998

Port 1: Caught You. SaveDouble: 8889

Port 1: Caught You. SaveDouble: 9912


Looking at the Hex values for the numbers you can see why:


40C15C0000000000 Decimal 8888.000000

40C3878000000000 Decimal 9999.000000


40C1878000000000 Decimal 8975.000000

40C35C0000000000 Decimal 9912.000000

40C3870000000000 Decimal 9998.000000


It would appear that they are being overwritten in 16 bit chunks.


To make a long story short[er] I will be writing a function to do memcpy64bit() or insert a for() loop into my code. I just wanted others to be aware of this so that proper care is taken in handling shared memory. I hope gcc continues to behave this way, although I have no reason to expect it to change.


Thank you,


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