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System Faults


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System is comprised of a 3-axis gantry system and it runs without any problems unless the G-code tries to accelerate above 30 inches per minute (even going from 30->35ipm), in which case the system faults and prompts an error about a motor being in open loop. I've tried searching the reference manuals but have had no luck in isolating the problem.


Also, we have two x-axes synchronized in the software, however it will occasionally become unsynched and not fault out, which is a major problem as you can imagine. Any idea why this could be and what could be done to resolve it? I'm new to motion control and Delta Tau so any help would be appreciated.

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On the motor going open loop at high velocity, it sounds like there is either a following error fault or amplifier fault stemming from the inability of the system to maintain the commanded speed. Both "kill" the motor automatically, leaving it in open-loop mode with the amplifier disabled. Look at the motor status window in the Executive or use the ? query command to find out what type of fault occurred.


On your loss of synchronization issue, we will need to know more about what you are trying to do, how you are trying to do it, and what happens when you lose sync.


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Sorry it's taken so long to get back, some other things came up. After some digging and talking with a rep from DT the issue appears to be related to the following error, like you said, and improper PID tuning for higher velocities. I'll try re-tuning the gains and see if this helps.


As for the synchronization, I'm hoping this stems from poor tracking as well, which may cause one motor to fault while the other continues to run. If I get something to work I'll post back with the results. Thanks!

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