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How can I access Acc24E3 from background C program?


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I need to read values from an Acc24E3, and perhaps write to them, from a background C program. I have spent several hours trying things, but nothing seems to get me the right data. I cannot find in the doc that I have read anything on how to do this. I can access other boards using pointers, but not this one.


Could someone please explain how to do this and also where it is located in the documentation? Right now I am trying to read SerialEncDataA, but later will need to read some other values. An example would be greatly appreciated!





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Hi Bill,


Here is a simple code I have written for ACC-24E2, which should give you an idea how to approach ACC-24E3:


#include    // Global Gp Shared memory pointer
#include "../../Include/pp_proj.h"
const double pi=3.1415926;

struct timespec Sec2TimeSpec(double TimeSec)
struct timespec Timer;
Timer.tv_sec = (long int)TimeSec;
Timer.tv_nsec = (long int)((TimeSec-(double)Timer.tv_sec)*1000000000.0);
return Timer;

void MySleepSec(double SleepTimeSeconds)
struct timespec Timer;
Timer = Sec2TimeSpec(SleepTimeSeconds);

int main(void) 
volatile GateArray1 *pGate1;
volatile int counter=0;

pGate1 = GetGate1MemPtr(4);
float mag = 0;
float mag1 = 0.05882/10.0*exp2(31);

while (1==1)
	if (pGate1->Chan[2].Status&0x8000000)
		pGate1->Chan[0].Pwm[0]=mag + mag1*sin(counter*pi/180.0);
		pGate1->Chan[0].Pwm[1]=mag + mag1*sin((counter+120)*pi/180.0);

return 0;


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Here's a very simple example of C access to registers in the ACC-24E3 ASIC. It should get you going. As stated in the above post, the method is the same for all of the ASICs.


void CaptCompISR (void)


volatile GateArray3 *MyFirstGate3IC; // ASIC structure pointer

int *CaptCounter; // Logs number of triggers

int *CaptPosStore; // Storage pointer


MyFirstGate3IC = GetGate3MemPtr(0); // Pointer to IC base

CaptCounter = (int *)pushm + 65535; // Sys.Idata[65535]

CaptPosStore = (int *)pushm + *CaptCounter + 65536;

*CaptPosStore = MyFirstGate3IC->Chan[0].HomeCapt; // Store in array

(*CaptCounter)++; // Increment counter

MyFirstGate3IC->IntCtrl = 1; // Clear interrupt source


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This is explained in detail in the User's Manual chapter on writing C programs, starting on page 483 of the manual.


Thanks Sina and Curt. The replies did the trick, but the real winner is the new User's Manual (and Software Manual). I didn't know there had been a total revolution in the Power PMAC manual world. If I had had these last week I could probably have figured out how to do it myself. They seem to be a great improvement over the old, preliminary manual pieces.


Thanks again,



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