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How to query which boards are installed from gpascii?


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Hi DT support,


Is there a way to query via the command line over gpascii which boards are installed in a PPMAC crate? For example, I have systems with either an ACC-65E or an ACC-14E I/O board. Is there a way I can determine which board is installed by querying the system?





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I don't know of the best way, but here's one way:


For the I/O cards, in Script, you can cycle through the following structures:







or in C:







Any time one of these structures returns a nonzero value, a card (of the card type specified in the structure's name: IO card, Gate1 card, Gate2 card, or Gate3 card) is present at index i. Therefore, you could store which indices returned nonzero values. Then, for the cards detected at the indices you stored, you can use the following structures to identify the part number of the card:







The part number will tell you what card is in the rack.


Did that answer your question? If someone has a better way, please post it.

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Thanks, Charles, that's exactly what I needed. BTW, for the Gate cards, the variable to look at is Sys.OffsetGateN, not Sys.OffsetCardGateN as you show (attempting to read Sys.OffsetCardGate1[0] crashed my PPMAC!).


This will allow me to determine which I/O careds are present and how many of each.





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The easiest way is to check the following file:




This tab delimited file is updated every time Power PMAC is powered up and enlists all the hardware accessories detected by Power PMAC CPU.


Here is the an example of the file content (I have added the headers for clarification)


UID     PN      OPT             REV     G_Index ERR     G_TYP   CARDTYP
------- ------- -------         ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
6033974 603397  5               6       4       0       1       1
6034386 603438  0               6       6       0       1       1
6040020 604002  61503231        4       0       0       3       1
6040021 604002  50004100        4       1       0       3       1
6040022 604002  50004100        7       2       0       3       1


If you want to check to see if a specific card at a specific address has been detected, this file will have all the necessary information for you. Check the part number and gate index of each card in order to find the matching entry.



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UID     PN      OPT             REV     G_Index ERR     G_TYP   CARDTYP
------- ------- -------         ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
6033974 603397  5               6       4       0       1       1
6034386 603438  0               6       6       0       1       1
6040020 604002  61503231        4       0       0       3       1
6040021 604002  50004100        4       1       0       3       1
6040022 604002  50004100        7       2       0       3       1



Note that the older cards like the ACC-11E, ACC-14E etc do not have ID chips and will show up with no part numbers.

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This is true. However, you can still detect their presence using the Sys.OffsetCardIO structure as I described above. You would just have to note that if there is no reasonable part number shown for that index i, then it is probably an ACC-11E or ACC-14E.


Correction (2/23/12):

ACC-14E actually does auto-identify; its part number is 603474.


ACC-9E, ACC-10E, ACC-11E, and ACC-12E do not auto-identify.

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