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Quick Stop from Cplc


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Is there a way that I can issue a 'Quick Stop' command from a Cplc. The compiler doesn't seem to allow: Command ("&1\"); , and if I understand correctly the 'Direct Commands' are only allowed from the script environment? Yes/no?




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The issue is that in C the "\" character can mean other things inside a string. You have to tell the string that you want the "\" character so that it knows not to expect this to mean something else, like the start of a control sequence. A C language help guide should give the proper syntax such as this page http://linux.die.net/man/1/printf in which it says to get a backslash you must put it twice. So I think you will have success with command("&1\\");
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The issue is that in C the "\" character can mean other things inside a string. You have to tell the string that you want the "\" character so that it knows not to expect this to mean something else, like the start of a control sequence. A C language help guide should give the proper syntax such as this page http://linux.die.net/man/1/printf in which it says to get a backslash you must put it twice. So I think you will have success with command("&1\\");

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