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subfolders in background program


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I have a few subfolders containing .c and .h files inside a background program. They are built fine, but the obj file are places in the main project folder, not the subfolder.


During the link step, the make file looks in the subfolder for the obj files, where they don't exist.


Trying to change the make file doesn't work, as it is overwritten during build.


Is there a way to have subfolders, or must I have all files on one level?




PS. I'm using the august release of the IDE.

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Found a solution:

The auto created makefile has the following entry:



by creating a custom makefile, and changing that line to

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CUSTOMCFLAGS) $(DTDEBUG) -c -o $@ $<


the issue is worked around.


Is there a way to change the format of the autocreated makefile?

This solution requires manually adding any new files to the makefile, which is annoying.




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Currently there is no solution other than a custom makefile. We will enter this into our bug reporting system,





Found a solution:

The auto created makefile has the following entry:



by creating a custom makefile, and changing that line to

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CUSTOMCFLAGS) $(DTDEBUG) -c -o $@ $<


the issue is worked around.


Is there a way to change the format of the autocreated makefile?

This solution requires manually adding any new files to the makefile, which is annoying.




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