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Eth Ultralite 2nd Macro IC


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I have a Eth Ultralite Controller with 2 macro ICs and I am having trouble configuring the second IC. I am using ACC85 with Yaskawa drives and the ACC85 manual does a good job describing the setup of the first IC, but the steps for the second are unclear and none of the appropriate values will actually change for me (I6890 etc. just reverts to the value it was when I try to set it). Are there some application notes or a better manual for setting up slave MACRO ICs? Secondary question, if I do get the setup correct, how do I address nodes on the slave IC from the terminal? For node 0 on the master I might ask for MS0,MI23, what would it be for the first node on the slave?





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Variables I6840/I6890/I6940/I6990 have both setting and status bits in them (first 4 bits are status bits) where depending on the errors picked up on the MACRO ring will be set to high. This means when a value is set, the query of the same register may seem different from the original set value. Please confirm that the value in which you're setting is only different in the first 4 bits from the value when it is queried.


The best place to get a quick review of the settings required for MACRO is the MACRO training slides available under filedepot section of the forums (accessible from the top menu of the forum).


http://forums.deltatau.com/filedepot/download.php?f=Turbo%20PMAC/Training%20Documents/MACRO/Macro7c.pdf [FILE REMOVED]


The first node on MACRO Master IC0 (also the ring controller) is referred to as node 0. To access MI variables on the station talking on this node you can use MS0, MIxxx format.

The first node on MACRO Master IC1 is referred to as node 16. To access MI variables on the station talking on this node you can use MS16, MIxxx format.

The first node on MACRO Master IC2 is referred to as node 16. To access MI variables on the station talking on this node you can use MS32, MIxxx format.

The first node on MACRO Master IC3 is referred to as node 16. To access MI variables on the station talking on this node you can use MS48, MIxxx format.

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