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Brick MACRO - Copley / Other MACRO amp Problem - Resolved

Richard Naddaf

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Geo Brick LV with MACRO - Copley with MACRO


Problem reported:

Position blips (spikes) around zero motor position, more pronounced towards the negative range.



Motor was set up as #1, and the MACRO data was brought into the first entry of the encoder conversion table (ECT).



With local servo ICs on the Brick, it is highly recommended to start MACRO motors at the next available channel.That is:

#5 when 1 x Servo IC is present (I4900=$1)

#9 when 2 x Servo ICs are present (I4900=$3)

This will allow taking advantages of the settings and pointers initiated automatically on power-up by the firmware, and makes for an easier MACRO motor setup.


Also, MACRO ECTs should be brought in after the "local" servo gates.



Although it is not theoretically clear why bringing the MACRO data into the first ECT entry caused this to happen. Taking these recommendations into consideration should alleviate this problem.

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