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Power Pmac boot problem


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I have a Power Pmac in a UMAC rack. It's had the problem of not booting all the way up to where the axis interface card lights light up. But a quick power cycle will usually get it into a completely running state. I upgraded the firmware to version 1.4.027 resently. The system booted up, I recompiled my project and it downloaded successfully. I tried to do another build and download but when I cycled power to clear the memory, the axis interface card lights come on for 5 seconds then drop out. If I pull the MACRO acc-5e card, then the axis control interface cards light up and stay lit. I talked to a friend who said there may be a problem with the cpu clocking on the Power Pmac. Or that the wait state may need to be increased becaus the CPU is faster than the backplane can handle. Any suggestions on debugging this? And where do I find the wait state (TURBO I37) on the Power Pmac? Is it Sys.BgSleepTime?
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