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External Time Base and EtherCAT/MACRO


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If our PPMAC is using an external time base for a coordinate system and the motors in that coordinate system point to drives that are distributed on EtherCAT or MACRO networks, then any moves we command on those motor drives will use the external time base...correct?
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Yes, that is correct. The external time base function just controls the numerical time value PMAC uses to update the mostor trajectories to the next servo cycle's set point in the fixed physical time for the servo cycle. Whether this set point is output directly to drives, as with position-mode EtherCAT drives, or used internally to close the servo loop, whose results are output to the drives, as in torque-mode or direct-PWM mode drives (whether on EtherCAT, MACRO , or a direct connection, the drives are kept in full synchronization to the external time base through this method.
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