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Using the JTHW as inputs on the ACC5E with Power PMAC


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This seems pretty straight forward as described in the software user manual. It seems that, if I want to use DAT0-DAT7 and SEL0-SEL7 as outputs, all I have to do is:


Gate2[0].MuxMode = $FFFF;

Gate2[0].MuxDir = $FFFF;

Gate2[0].MuxPol = 0; //don't really care about polarity at this point


Then, toggling Gate2[0].MuxData bits to toggle the output but the output seems to be set high regardless and the read-back value only changes if I change the MuxPol. We did similar functions on LowIo and everything worked as expected but it doesn't appear to work for the JTHW lines. Is there something missing in what we are doing? Do I have to use MuxIo? (Right now, MuxIo.Enable = 0 so I figured that it shouldn't interfere.)

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That does seem to work for the SEL lines (upper 8 bits) but the DAT lines seem to still only work as outputs. I set Gate2[0].PartData[0] to 8 and the DAT lines seem to work as outputs. Is this what I was supposed to and/or allow to do?
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