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USB stick code upgrade


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I have an engineer going out to do an upgrade on a system in the field. I hoped to give him a USB stick to do the automatic download rather than download from the IDE.


I downloade the project for release, did a tar backup from the IDE, then extracted the usrflash folder to a PowerPMAC folder on the stick.


Powering up with this stick in the card then puts that project back on nicely.


However if I have different accessory cards in the rack it does not apply the project. Looking in the IDE I have the HWChangeErr, PwrOnFault and Default set. Looking in PuTTY the project is empty.


Does the rack when backing up have to be populated the same as the destination rack?


Is there a way to make the project rack-agnostic? I really need this.


Maybe I'm doing it totally wrong...




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Hmmm... Thanks for the reply, I hope this isn't the case.


We cannot practicably hold/build all the configurations of racks our customers have when we release a new version of code (time, hardware, scope for error).


If an upgrade has to be done through the IDE, and we therefore have to supply the source to the customer, doesn't this make the encryption options worthless for upgrades? Not to mention training or instructing customers to use the IDE correctly...


Perhaps a standalone tool (automatically running on the PPMAC or from the stick) is needed which can perform the download from the gpg encrypted files on the stick (also reproducing the hardware configuring actions done by the IDE). Is this actually just projpp or tools already there?




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