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Edit motion program on ppmac


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Hi All,


If I edit motion control program on the pmac (/var/ftp/userflash/Project/PMAC..../Motion.../proc2.pmc) and then run the program from the webgui - (&1b2r) it doesn't seem to reflect any of the edits I made to the file. Do I need to somehow reload/compile the programs after editing them?

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The file you are editing in the Power PMAC is just a holding file for the program - the program lines must then be loaded into the active program buffer (overwriting the old version) to be able to execute this. When you download a project or part of a project, it first copies the files from the PC to the PMAC, then it automatically loads the program commands from the file(s) into the active buffers.


There are a couple of ways you could do this. First you could use the IDE's "Download Selected Files" action that will automatically perform both steps.


If you are using your own host software at this point, just send the text of the program directly to the PMAC using GPASCII. This bypasses the first step, and writes directly to the active buffer.

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