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Question for ACC-59E3 wiring!


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For ACC-59E3 with D-Sub connectors,


1)what the least value of cross section for each wire of a 15-core cable with Braid shield should be? I wonder if each wire with 0.25mm2 cross section is sufficient enough for analog outputs and inputs. Sometimes, the outer diameter of the cable is too thicker to fit to the D-Sub connectors.


2)should twisted pair cable, such as 8*2 or 7*2, be used to reach a better shielding effect?


3) under what circumstances should pin-7(+15V) and pin-15(-15V) be connected to outside equipments? Can I leave them unconnected?


Thank you!

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1) The required wire diameter should be based on acceptable voltage drop over the length of the cable. Especially for the voltage inputs and outputs, the current flow is very low, so the voltage drop is typically negligible. We have never seen a situation where the required wire diameter caused connection problems.


2) Typically, twisted pairs provide much better noise immunity than parallel conductors. They are strongly recommended for high-resolution ADCs and DACs.


3) We provide +/-15V on the connectors in case the circuitry needs to be powered from the UMAC. If the external circuitry has its own supply, there is no need to use these.

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