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Is there any ACC's which can generate triangle wave?


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As far as I know we don't have an accessory which generates triangular waves. Also generating this triangular waveform using DACs will result in digitization and requires very high phase/servo clock frequency. However, if you're willing to add a simple external integrator circuitry using an op amp and couple of resistors and caps, we can generate a square wave at your desired frequency and the external frequency will convert it to triangular waveform.
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if you're willing to add a simple external integrator circuitry using an op amp and couple of resistors and caps, we can generate a square wave at your desired frequency and the external frequency will convert it to triangular waveform.


Hi, Sina, thank you very much.

Can you give me a detailed illustration about how to use external integrator circuitry and some other components to generate the triangular waveform?

Best regards.

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