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Enable an axis from a motion program?


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For various reasons, I would like to kill an axis at the end of a motion program, say program 104. The motion program is called directly from a Windows application that I don't have the ability to change.


I can't figure out how to re-enable the motor the next time the motion program is called by the windows application. Can I not enable the axis at the start of the motion program 104? I get an error message something about "not ready".


I attempted to enable the axis from a different motion program that does nothing other than enable the killed axis. It won't run either if the axis is not enabled. It appears that the PPMAC is not going to let me run any motion program that deals with an axis that is not enabled. Is this the rule or is there a way that I am missing?

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Not ready means it is not in closed loop. That is correct.


I understand you said "for various reasons", but it is not a good practice to kill an axis running a motion program. Is this by any chance related to your PFM post? I would try resolving the jitter issue rather than adding complexity.


Yes, you cannot run a motion program in a coordinate system unless all assigned axes are in closed loop (not killed).


If this is really what you want to do, you would need to toggle it eloquently in a PLC with some handshaking flags.

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