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Position Capture with MACRO


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We are having issues with out position capture.


We have a new installation and have not been able to obtain a position capture.


Here is what we have tried.

1. We have confirmed the wiring is correct

2. To arm to position capture we first set


then to arm



We also read out the value of ms12,i921

We have performed multiple jog moves back and force and have not been able to set bit 19 of Gate3[0].MacroInA[12][3]


We are trying to capture the index position from a linear encoder.

Our encoder setting are:

ms12,i912 = 0 and 1

ms12,i915 = $C0


As a note: The only time it does trigger is when the cable is disconnected...


Is there something that we are missing ?


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We are having issues with out position capture.


We have a new installation and have not been able to obtain a position capture.


Here is what we have tried.

1. We have confirmed the wiring is correct

2. To arm to position capture we first set


then to arm



We also read out the value of ms12,i921

We have performed multiple jog moves back and force and have not been able to set bit 19 of Gate3[0].MacroInA[12][3]


We are trying to capture the index position from a linear encoder.

Our encoder setting are:

ms12,i912 = 0 and 1

ms12,i915 = $C0


As a note: The only time it does trigger is when the cable is disconnected...


Is there something that we are missing ?



We solved the issue. Silly mistake

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