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Hit hard limit without aborting motion program


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I have a program that indexes a motor, but I need to jog indefinite until I hit a hard limit before issuing a home command. Is there any way to prevent a motion program from aborting when hitting a hard limit?


One approach I've used is to temporarily disable the hard limits, jog until trigger to a hard limit flag, reenable the hard limit, and then home. I'm just wondering if there is an easier way to accomplish this without having to disable/enable hard limits.

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OK thanks Steve. Since there is no jog indefinite until trigger and I also have soft limits, what I ended up doing is homing once into the negative limit and then homing in the opposite direction into the home switch:


1) Save value of Motor[x].pLimits, then set pLimits=0

2) Change Motor[x].CaptureMode=1 and Motor[x].CaptFlagBit=10

3) Set Motor[x].HomeVel=-10, then run home command

4) Set Motor[x].pLimits=saved pLimits value (re-enable hard limits)

5) Change Motor[x].CaptureMode=0 and Motor[x].CaptFlagBit=20

6) Set Motor[x].HomeVel=10, the run home command

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