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Block allocation of P variables and subroutines


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Is it possible to pass an array index to a subroutine e.g.


open subprog calculate(PIND, PSIZE)

;PIND is the index to the first "P" element

;PSIZE number of P variables to calculate



global MY_ARRAY(100)


call calculate(&MY_ARRAY(0), 100)


doesn't seem to work

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In your calling program, you have to first store the index in a local variable before passing it to your subprogram, like this:


local index = &MY_ARRAY(0);
call calculate(index, 100);


Then, you can access your array of globals using the P() array notation, like in the subprogram example below:


open subprog mysub(myinarr, len)
local ctr = 0;
P100 = 0.0;
while(ctr < len)
P100 += P(myinarr + ctr); // P(myinarr + ctr) is equal to MY_ARRAY(ctr) as you called it above


I just tested this and it works.

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In your calling program, you have to first store the index in a local variable before passing it to your subprogram, like this:


local index = &MY_ARRAY(0);
call calculate(index, 100);


Then, you can access your array of globals using the P() array notation, like in the subprogram example below:


open subprog mysub(myinarr, len)
local ctr = 0;
P100 = 0.0;
while(ctr < len)
P100 += P(myinarr + ctr); // P(myinarr + ctr) is equal to MY_ARRAY(ctr) as you called it above


I just tested this and it works.

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Another path since you aren't passing an array of Local variables and are using global variables


#define MY_ARRAY_SIZE 100

global MY_ARRAY(MY_ARRAY_SIZE ); // these go in you global definition.pmh file


local array_sum;

call mysub(50, &array_sum); // The '&' designates a return variable in a CALL or SUBPROG call_list.


open subprog mysub(start_index, &rtn) // The '&' designates a return variable


rtn = 0.0;

while(start_index < MY_ARRAY_SIZE )


rtn += MY_ARRAY(start_index);

start_index ++;



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