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Multi-host on ADV500 / Clipper


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I experienced some problems in a installation whit several ADV500 (based on Turbo Clipper, so Turbo PMAC2) all inside the same factory network.

The problems were the following:

-The microcontroller that handles communication goes into fault mode (replies to ping but no communication, USB is detected as "unknown device" if I try to use USB port, serial works) and I need to cicle power to be able to communicate through ethernet again

-Flash memory corruption occoured on 3 machines (i.e. after power cycle 2 went in wd and one showed a corrupted PLC)


The root cause of these problem has been identified in concurrent connections from different PCs (the customer installed a supervisor software that collects production data, so the supervisor PC and mine were connected to the same machine at some time)


While I can't exactly understand why multiple connections can hang the micro and corrupt the flash memory, I tried setting the multi-host connection as explained in the manuals, but how can I check if I did set it correctly?

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The muti-host “socketed” communication techniques used with Turbo PMAC over Ethernet are not compatible with the ADV-NC software - this will cause packet corruption.


I'm not using Adv-Nc software, just pewin32pro2 and a pcommserver based supervisor.

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Actually al the examples were with Pewin32Pro2....


The multi-host example is an extract from this manual (pages 19 and following)

ftp://ftp.deltatau.ch/support/Software/Pmac_Pmac2_TurboPmac2/DT Driver_Install.pdf (link must be copied in navigation bar to work)


It refers to UMAC but since ADV500 is also a Turbo PMAC2 with fw 1.947 and Modbus capability I assumed that it is using the same Ethernet/USB controller.


The ADV500 manual only talks about Modbus configuration.

What do you mean with ADV500 reference?

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Yes ADV500 is a DT EU Europe product, but basically it's a Clipper.


So it's not possible to have a PC with a supervisor that talks with the PMAC with its own pcommserver running (using pmacgetresponse I guess) and another PC with Pewin32Pro used on another pc for machine servicing (including PLC/PLCC download)?

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