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Incremental Encoder HMZ


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I am setting up a machine that has 18 axes. I am using incremental encoders for axes 1-9 and analog inputs for axes 10-18. I am also using 2 additional incremental encoders for Master Following on axes 8 & 9. These incremental encoders are hooked into the encoder slots of axes 10 & 11 and then mapped to the slaved axes (Ixx05). Everything works perfect with the master following enabled, and I can see the output of the encoders as they move.


My problem is that I sometimes need to zero out the 2 additional incremental encoders. A regular HMZ only affects the analog input for 10 & 11, and not the encoders. How can I zero out the additional encoders I have installed and not affect my axes 10 & 11?


Encoder table definition below for reference. Entry 10 and 11 are the additional incremental encoders that are mapped for master following (I805=$350A, I905=$350B).


Encoder Table Definitions.

Entry    Address     Y-Word     Conversion Method  
  1      Y:$  3501   $078200    1/T extension of location $78200
  2      Y:$  3502   $078208    1/T extension of location $78208
  3      Y:$  3503   $078210    1/T extension of location $78210
  4      Y:$  3504   $078218    1/T extension of location $78218
  5      Y:$  3505   $078300    1/T extension of location $78300
  6      Y:$  3506   $078308    1/T extension of location $78308
  7      Y:$  3507   $078310    1/T extension of location $78310
  8      Y:$  3508   $078318    1/T extension of location $78318
  9      Y:$  3509   $079200    1/T extension of location $79200
 10      Y:$  350A   $079208    1/T extension of location $79208
 11      Y:$  350B   $079210    1/T extension of location $79210
 12      Y:$  350C   $079218    1/T extension of location $79218
 13      Y:$  350D   $403501    Timebase from converted location $3501
         Y:$  350E   $001000     Timebase scale factor
 14      Y:$  350F   $079300    1/T extension of location $79300
 15      Y:$  3510   $079308    1/T extension of location $79308
 16      Y:$  3511   $079310    1/T extension of location $79310
 17      Y:$  3512   $079318    1/T extension of location $79318
 18      Y:$  3513   $07A200    1/T extension of location $7A200
 19      Y:$  3514   $07A208    1/T extension of location $7A208
 20      Y:$  3515   $20340E    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$340E
         Y:$  3516   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 21      Y:$  3517   $203405    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3405
         Y:$  3518   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 22      Y:$  3519   $203401    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3401
         Y:$  351A   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 23      Y:$  351B   $203403    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3403
         Y:$  351C   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 24      Y:$  351D   $203407    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3407
         Y:$  351E   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 25      Y:$  351F   $20341E    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$341E
         Y:$  3520   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 26      Y:$  3521   $203411    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3411
         Y:$  3522   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 27      Y:$  3523   $203413    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3413
         Y:$  3524   $00C00C     Width and Offset
 28      Y:$  3525   $203415    Unfiltered parallel pos of location Y:$3415
         Y:$  3526   $00C00C     Width and Offset

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Unused motors could be assigned to the master encoders, e.g. I1903 = $3508 I1904=$3508 I2003=$3509 I2004=$3509. Then, #19Hmz and #20Hmz would zero Master position, as seen in positions of motors 19 and 20.


Note that that approach zeroes the motor positions of the masters, not the encoder positions. Encoder positions can only be zeroed by reset or power cycling. If, for some reason, you want to be able to zero the master position in the ECT, the actual position register of the master could be entered in the ECT and used for following....

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