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sending consecutive jog commmands


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What happens when a jog command is sent with a position and then 50 ms later another jog command is sent with a slightly incremented position? The position of the motors are still far away from the first jog requested position as it is accelerating and making it there.


1) Do the consecutive jog commands just update the endpoint for the jog? 2) Or does it interrupt the previous jog and start a new one? I'm trying to see how continuous the motion is. Pretty much we do this to accelerate to a target varying in position with time, but it is moving slowly.


I'll say that I'm working with a current set of code already implemented on our system and if I were to rewrite the code, I would do things a bit differently.



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When you issue a jog command to a motor, Power PMAC uses the instantaneous values for commanded position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk as its starting condition.


Of course, when the motor is stopped, commanded velocity, acceleration, and jerk are all zero.

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Thank you Charles and Curt!


So here is a summary of what I've gathered The jog uses the instataneous velocity, acceleration, and jerk at the time its called. When called consecutively, it plots a trajectory according to Jog.Ta and Jog.Ts to the latest position that was sent in the latest jog. The end conditions are set to 0 velocity, 0 acceleration, 0 jerk at that endpoint.


Is this all correct?

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Yes, you've got it. Remember that JogSpeed is used in the computation of each move in addition to JogTa and JogTs.


When you are breaking into existing moves, it is strongly recommended that you specify acceleration and jerk by rate, not time (JogTa < 0, JogTs < 0).

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