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Motion Program Stopping Itself


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Attached is a copy of the motion program that Iʻm running. I have a C program that starts it and pretty much never does an abort to stop it. However, Iʻve realize that after a few cycles of running it will stop itself. Iʻve verified that no following error or travel limit has occured. Iʻm wondering what could be going on here? How can I prevent it from stopping?


The P_PVT_HA_TRACKING flag is toggled to a 1 or 0 by the C program and is dependent on how far away the axis is from the target.


My thinking is that the linear move ends and doesnʻt see another move in front of it ready to execute and so the motion program ends.


My firmware is 1.5.8 (I know its old, but upgrading has caused some problems that I donʻt have time to deal with at the moment. My goal is to upgrade soon)





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Do you have IDE open while this happening?

IDE watch window (or another session connecting to PMAC) may be sending the abort command. For example if you have put "a" in watch window or a variable that starts with "a" and isn't recognized by the global defs.

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Thanks for asking bgoskouie. Weʻll I did have the IDE running and I was using the watch window, but all I was looking at was two structure elements:

Coord[0].ProgActive and Coord[1].ProgActive


so there wasnʻt an abort anywhere in the watch window or a mistyped command.


Do you have IDE open while this happening?

IDE watch window (or another session connecting to PMAC) may be sending the abort command. For example if you have put "a" in watch window or a variable that starts with "a" and isn't recognized by the global defs.

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