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Firmware upgrade


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Hi, we have a project originally created in IDE (or earlier) but which we have taken with us through the various upgrades.


After upgrading to firmware and staying on IDE this fails the download with


Error: Loading RT Address of preProcessFeedback

Error: Loading RT Address of CBAR_throttle

Error: Loading RT Address of SR_control_logic

Error: Loading RT Address of user_pid_ctrl

Error: Loading RT Address of CfromScript

Error: Loading RT Address of CaptCompISR


The first four are our userservo/phase functions. CaptCompISR doesn't exist as the template from the vintage of IDE we start with doesn't have this code in (or CFromScript but we added that).


To help anyone else flummoxed by this, adding to usercode.c:


void CaptCompISR(void)


and usrcode.h:


void CaptCompISR(void);


fixes all the errors.


This reminds me that "now" you get all the


// Required Startup Code: Insures that this APP is run as an RT or NON

// RT APP otherwise depending upon how it is started it will inherit

// the scheduling priority and policy of the task that started it.


stuff in a new c-app... but we had to manually add the code to our apps. I know you can't automatically do it but there is no notification to do it, at least not obvious enough for me to spot.


My 2 questions:


1) Are these things documented? A list of instructions on upgrading your project. I figured out the CaptComISR thing but many people would be a bit stumped


2) Can you provide a comprehensive list of compatibilities between Projects, IDEs and firmwares? I have never been confident.


E.g. can I send a project created in IDE v2.0.3.40 to a client running v1.7.0.53? Obviously if you use new firmware features you have to use at least that firmware, although I notice some removals which complicates matters.

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