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Manually running tuning functions


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I've been attempting to perform open loop step and sine tests, however my IDE crashes on me. So as a secondary route I found the tuning functions in /opt/ppmac/tune. I have also written my own C program that does the data gather manually so that I can do without the IDE at the moment.


When I run the functions without arguments I get an explanation of what the arguments are. However, there aren't units on some of the argument explanation. For example when I run openloopsine, I get the following response


root@ openloopsine

The number of arguments specified is incorrect.

You need 5 Arguments for this function

Motor Number

Excitation Amplitude

Frequency of the sinusoidal

Repetition number

Kill flag (0 or 1)

Please try again.



What are the units of excitation amplitude? I'm guessing DAC counts. Frequency of the sinusoid? I'm guessing is in Hz. Also what does setting the Kill flag to 1 do? Is there any documentation somewhere on the use of these functions?




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