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PowerPMAC reset failed


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On resetting a certain project we get the message "PowerPMAC reset failed" and a pop-up titled "Test connection", with the text "Unable to communicate to PowerPMAC". This only appears to happen on 465 processors.


Do you have any ideas on how to debug this problem? Is there a log or something available to give hints as to where the $$$ procedure got to?

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The connection is still fine. I can talk through the terminal, and use putty. I was just hoping there might be some way of understanding where the $$$ got to. Obviously we can't be confident that everything occurred as expected in the $$$, or indeed on start up.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can add some information to this. It is possible it is just the IDE timing out. I have noted the timing and output from the serial port below.


I build and download and save. Then from executing $$$:


There are loads of


Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACUserSem0".
Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACPLCCSem0".
Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACUserSem1".


and similar statements for 23s




Success: ppconfig


Then loads of


                gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
                                         gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
                                                                         gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected
                                          gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
                                                                   gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
                   gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected
                                                                    gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
             gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
                                             gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected


for 55s.


However at the 1m mark from executing $$$ the IDE times out. This is 18s before the final


Success: projpp




Is there a registry setting to lengthen this timeout? It is clearly not long enough...

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  • 3 months later...



I've just installed IDE version and am rather disappointed to find that this issue has not been fixed. I still get the message "PowerPMAC reset failed" after a reset. The reset hasn't failed it has just not finished yet. The really annoying thing is that the IDE no longer works properly after this - error messages in the watch window etc. and to fix this you have to shut down the IDE and restart it again. This just wastes a lot of time. Surely this must be a trivial fix!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Steve


Back in October last year you replied by direct email to me that "A reset of your system requires up to one and a half minutes before responding. The timeout of the IDE is currently hardcoded at 10 seconds so it incorrectly replies that the reset failed. The software group is looking into what can be done to correct this. This may not be a simple fix."


Has your software group resolved this yet? It's been 4 months now. (I think that your timeout is actually 60 seconds not 10).


On a related subject, it does seem to be a real pain that the 465 card is so painfully slow at compiling and resetting in comparison with the old 460 card - I must now have accumulated days of wasted time waiting for compiling etc.!




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The reset issue is not a simple fix for the current IDE. This will be corrected in the new IDE (vs. 3.0) sometime after April this year.


Your project is very large and uses encryption - this imposes a very large burden on the Linux side. Newer firmware that will be released in late February early March should reduce this somewhat.

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