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Software watchdog fault, didn`t work power pmac


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I work for Delta Tau

Thank you for your help everytime


I have a question


The situation is like this.

The customer is using the powerpmac cpu board.

(firmware version :

It was operating normally for several months.


Suddenly the machine stops running with Sys.WDTFault=1

The RDY LED on the front of the CPU board has turned off.

The following logs were sent to the debug serial.

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACPLCCSem0".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACUserSem1".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACPLCCSem1".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACUserSem2".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACPLCCSem2".


Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACUserSem30".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACPLCCSem30".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACUserSem31".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACPLCCSem31".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACRtiSem".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACRtiIntrSem".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACFuncLoad".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACFuncUnload".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACStartIoctl".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACFinishIoctl".

Xenomai: Posix: closing semaphore "PPMACBKGStart".


This is all I have checked from the customer.


My opinion is

Perhaps gppmac seems to have stopped.


I have a question


1) What are the conditions under which this situation can occur?

(Sys.WDTFault==1, RDY LED Turn Off, Debug Message Occur )


2) Is there an expected cause?


3) What variables are there to check for the cause?


4) Are there any variables that I can monitor ?


5) What are some things I need to check to determine the cause?


6) Do you have any advice on this situation?



Thank you for your help everytime

Best regards

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