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CK3E RTI Performance


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We recently have random Coordinate RunTimeError happens on our system when using CK3E as main controller and 5 ethercat axis. We did some observation on the realTime performance and compared with a CK3M module, below are some result.


When use CK3E1210, the Sys.RtIntTime is about 50 on average without ethercat activated, once the ethercat is activated, it increases to a 100. Peak RT can log (Sys.MaxRTIntTime) up to 350.


When use CK3MCPU121, the Sys.RtIntTime is about 20 on average without ethercat activated, once the ethercat is activated, it stay about 22-23. Peak RT now only reach up to 75.


The firmware version for CK3E is and the version for CK3M is Both system runs very similar PLCs.


I start to wondering if the RunTimeError can be related to the low performance from CK3E.


Few things we have tried to tackle the RunTimeError on the coordinate system:


Change Sys.PreCal to 5 , 10 , 15, no luck, coordinate system still fault out after few hours


Change Sys.RtIntPeriod, increase this number cause a huge delay between command J/ and read ampEnabled status from motor. When this number set to 15 or more, the watchdog is triggered.


Change Sys.MaxMotorsPerCycle will also cause a huge delay between command J/ and ampEnabled Status. Have to leave at 0 to have reasonable response time.


The test is conducted through a repeat coordinate move, which only contains 2 ethercat axis in the coordinate system 1. The Servo Frequency is 2Khz and RTI frequency is 1khz.


Any insights on the issue would be much appreciated. Thanks!



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My educated guess would be something in the project is placing a greater burden on the RTI process in the CK3E project. Check the CK3E project for this.


Contact ODT Technical support for further troubleshooting: ODT-Support@Omron.com.


You mention the projects are “similar”. What are the project differences?

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