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Macro Ring Error


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I'm using the Macro Ring to cummunicate between two Power Bricks. I've been able to stabilish communication and exchange information among them using the command:

macroauxiliaryread 0,Elem_X,Elem1_X


Where Elem_X is a slave variable attatched to the P90 register. Elem1_X is a master variable also attached to the P90 register, but in another PB.


The problem is that when issuing the command to read from the auxiliari PB e get the following error:

stdin:4:1: error #23: OUT OF RANGE NUMBER: macroauxiliaryread 0,Elem_X,P90


I found it weird that when calling directly the addres of the Elem_X variable I don't get this problem and can read the value.


The same happens to a variable called Elem_Z with addres P91.

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Hi Richard


I'm using the "MacroAuxiliaryRead" from the master PB. This problem is weird, as you can see from the figure below:

- When calling "MacroAuxiliaryRead" with "Elem_X" as slave PB variable I get the "OUT OF RANGE NUMBER" error.

- When calling "MacroAuxiliaryRead" with "P90", which is the addres of Elem_X at the slave PB, I get the reading, as shown.


It's not as big of a problem as I can pass the addres with no problem, but it's weird that this happens only with this specific variable.


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