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Camera Definition files (CamDef) can be edited to define, among other features, the image size acquired by the camera.
By editing the CamDef file, the image acquired by the camera is “cropped” – it is not “zoomed”.   

Simple Example

Below is an image acquired by a Vision HAWK Smart Camera (1.2 MP, SXGA, 1280 x 960 default definitions), using the AutoVISION Software.

User-added image

If you don’t need to acquire the full image,  you can edit the CamDef file and crop it. Cropping the image reduces the cycle time.

To crop the image: 

  1. Define the desired size of the image acquired by the camera.  The image size defined must be equal or smaller than the camera sensor resolution (in this case, 1280 x 960).  For example,  the image can be cropped by 208 (26*8) pixels on all sides to reduce the image size to 864 (1280 – 208*2) x 544 (960 – 208*2).
  2. Edit the CamDef file using any text editor. CamDef files are located in the C:\Microscan\Vscape\Drivers\CamDefs directory (default path). There is a specific CamDef file for each camera (Smart Camera or GigE Camera, Mono or Color).  The _visionhawk_4001_1280x960_CCD.cam is the Vision HAWK (1.2 MP, SXGA, 1280 x 960) CamDef file.
User-added image

NOTE:  Before editing the file, make a copy of the original CamDef file (for later recovery).

  1.  Edit the Camera Name (?), the Stride (), Rows (ƒ), X Offset (), and Y Offset () fields.User-added image
  2. Save the file keeping its original filename.
  3.  Close And Exit AvpBackplane (in the Windows Taskbar).User-added image
  4. Restart the AutoVISION Software.  When restarting the AutoVISION Software, acquire the cropped image.
User-added image

Operating System


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