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Fixing ordered output not working on MicroHAWK

Omron Forums Support

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Under certain conditions, if you wanted to use a single Ordered Output filter to identify and output a single symbol out of multiple symbols in the FOV, the MicroHAWK would only output the first symbol it decoded, even if that was not the symbol meeting the criteria set in the Ordered Output filter.

For example, if a label had 4 unique Datamatrix symbols but you only wanted to output a single symbol with a unique attribute, you would enable a single Ordered Output filter with the unique criteria. The MicroHAWK would then check any symbols present in each of its captured images to see if they matched the filter until the symbol was found or it timed out. However, the behavior that occurred would be that the MicroHAWK would decode the first symbol in its image capture and stop, even though other symbols may have been decodable in the FOV and whether or not that symbol even matched the Ordered Output filter at all. This would occur when using firmware version 1.2.0 or earlier but has since been corrected in later releases. The solution is simply to upgrade to the 1.2.1 or newer MicroHAWK firmware.

Firmware Version

1.2.0 or earlie

Operating System


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