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How to create Microscan Links for input datums in perl scripts?

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use perlutil;
use IntDm;
use DoubleDm;
use StringDm;
use StatusDm;
use Composite;

###                                                                                                                  ###
###                                           Micrscan Link Example                                                  ###
###                                                                                                                  ###
###                                                Version 1.0                                                       ###
###                                                                                                                  ###
###                                               May 1st, 2015                                                      ###
###                                                                                                                  ###
### MSLink:  This perl script demonstrates how you can configure various data types as Microscan Link inputs
###   Inputs:  
###    integer
###     float              
###     string            
###    boolean
###   Outputs:
###    integer
###     float              
###     string            
###    boolean

package MSLink;

# REGISTER this package so that perl steps know this package is available

# STATUS FLAGS.   Used with Composite::SetStatusFlags() call.
    *ST_TRAINABLE            = \0x00000001;    # step or datum is trainable
    *ST_TRAINED            = \0x00000002;    # step or datum has been trained
    *ST_PARTCREATE            = \0x00000004;    # step creates a part
    *ST_STOP_ON_TRAIN        = \0x00000008;    # step needs to be set up (or moved) before training
    *ST_IS_EMBEDDED            = \0x00000010;    # composite is embedded in parent
    *ST_THREADED            = \0x00000020;    # step is threaded
    *ST_NEED_STAT_TRAIN        = \0x00000040;
    *ST_CAN_TUNE_PARAMS        = \0x00000080;
    *ST_DIRTY            = \0x00000100;    # composite is "dirty"
    *ST_ENABLED            = \0x00000200;    # composite is enabled
    *ST_INCLUDED_IN_RESULTS        = \0x00000400;    # composite is included in results uploaded from target
    #*ST_USES_MONSTER        = \0x00000800;    # uses monster resource.
    *ST_VIRGIN            = \0x00001000;    # composite has never been run
    *ST_FIELD            = \0x00002000;    # composite is a field
    *ST_DISABLE_PRECHECK        = \0x00004000;    # disable prechecking on this step/datum
    *ST_INCLUDED_IN_STREAM        = \0x00008000;    # do not stream this composite to disk/network
    *ST_SKIP_REGEN            = \0x00010000;  # do not attempt to follow references when building regen list
    *ST_HIDDEN            = \0x00020000;    # hide this object in the tree view (but show children)
    *ST_TIMING_ENABLE        = \0x00040000;    # this step contains timing diagnostics

# editability mask bits. Used with Composite::SetEditability() call.
    *EM_DATUM            = \0x01;    # editable as a datum
    *EM_REFDATUM            = \0x02;    # editable as a reference to a datum
    *EM_CANROTATE            = \0x04;    # valid for steps and shapes
    *EM_CANMOVE            = \0x08;    # valid for shapes
    *EM_CANSIZE            = \0x10;    # valid for shapes
    *EM_CANMASK            = \0x20;    # valid for steps
    *EM_RESULT            = \0x40;    # valid for output datums
    *EM_ENABLEREFEDIT        = \0x80;    # if ref editable, enable the reference editing
    *EM_NOUSERUPLOAD        = \0x100;    # if no user upload, the user can't select the
                                            #   datum as a result to upload, but it's automatically
                                            #   included in the uploaded results.
    *EM_VOLDATUM            = \0x200;    # datum is volatile, can be changed at runtime
    *EM_ALWAYSUPLOAD        = \0x400;    # always upload datum @ results upload time, even if step or datum has an error
    *EM_CANSCALE            = \0x800;    # can shape be scaled
    *EM_CANSTRETCH            = \0x1000;    # can shape be stretched linearly (rhombus)
    *EM_CAN_MODIFY_AT_RUNTIME    = \0x2000;    # can be modified by the user at runtime - no questions asked
    *EM_ASK_MODIFY_AT_RUNTIME    = \0x4000;    # ask parent step if datum can be modified at runtime
    *EM_ARRAYDATUM            = \0x8000;    # this datum is part of an array record

# Useful defines for IOListDm Types
    *IO_INPUT             = \1;
    *IO_OUTPUT             = \2;
    *IO_BOTH             = \3;
    *AVPIOTYPE_ALL            = \0; 
    *AVPIOTYPE_PHYSICAL        = \1; 
    *AVPIOTYPE_VIRTUAL        = \2; 
    *AVPIOTYPE_SENSOR        = \3; 
    *AVPIOTYPE_STROBE        = \4;
    *AVPIOTYPE_ANALOGOUT        = \5;
    *AVPIOTYPE_TTLINPUT        = \7;
    *AVPIOTYPE_TTLOUTPUT        = \8;
    *AVPIOTYPE_RS422INPUT        = \9;
    *AVPIOTYPE_RS422OUTPUT        = \10;

# Useful defines for Datum list Types
    *INPUT_DATUM            = \0; 
    *OUTPUT_DATUM            = \1; 
    *RESOURCE_DATUM            = \2; 
    *INPUT_DATUMLIST        = \0;
    *OUTPUT_DATUMLIST        = \1;

# Useful defines for Debug Info Types
    *DWM_INFO            = \1;
    *DWM_WARNING            = \2;
    *DWM_SERIOUS            = \4;
    *DWM_LEVEL            = \15;
    *DWM_SHOWMSG            = \0x00010000;
#smart camera sensor resolutions
    *WVGA_WIDTH            = \752;
    *WVGA_HEIGHT            = \480;
    *SXGA_WIDTH            = \1280;
    *SXGA_HEIGHT            = \960;
    *WUXGA_WIDTH            = \2048;
    *WUXGA_HEIGHT            = \1088;
# Datum List references
    *RES_INT            = \0;
    *RES_FLOAT            = \1;
    *RES_STRING            = \2;
    *RES_BOOL            = \3;
    *OUT_INT            = \0;
    *OUT_FLOAT            = \1;
    *OUT_STRING            = \2;
    *OUT_BOOL            = \3;


sub FilterStepType
 ##use this sub if you want your script to only be listed for Custom Vision Tools or only for Custom Steps
 return 2;  # returning 0 means you want it listed for both types of steps
            # return 1 if your script should only be listed for Custom Vision Tools (has an input buffer and an ROI)
            # return 2 if your script should only be listed for Custom Steps (used for logic scripts only, has no ROI and no connection to the buffer)


sub Init
{     #one time initialization routine.  Similar to PreRun, but will only be called once, regardless of whether you're in setup or runtime mode


sub Cleanup
{    #complement to Init


sub Apply
{    #called when ever your script is selected in the Custom Step or Custom Vision Tool's "Avail Package Scripts" list
    #it is here where you will create all of your input and output datums

    # add input datums
    perlutil::add_datum_int ($RESOURCE_DATUM,1, "intIn\nInteger", 0);            # 0        
    perlutil::add_datum_double ($RESOURCE_DATUM,1, "floatIn\nFloat", 0);        # 1
    perlutil::add_datum_string ($RESOURCE_DATUM,1, "stringIn\nString", 0);        # 2
    perlutil::add_datum_status ($RESOURCE_DATUM,1, "boolIn\nBoolean", 0);        # 3
    # add limits to input coordinate datums
    # These will need to be double-checked as they are going to be linked
    # to an external controller
    my $datum = perlutil::get_datum(0,$RES_INT); 
    IntDm::SetMinValue($datum, -1000000000);     
    IntDm::SetMaxValue($datum, 1000000000);
    $datum = perlutil::get_datum(0,$RES_FLOAT); 
    DoubleDm::SetMinValue($datum, -1000000000.0);     
    DoubleDm::SetMaxValue($datum, 1000000000.0);

    perlutil::add_datum_int ($OUTPUT_DATUM,1, "intOut\nInteger", 0);            # 0        
    perlutil::add_datum_double ($OUTPUT_DATUM,1, "floatOut\nFloat", 0);        # 1
    perlutil::add_datum_string ($OUTPUT_DATUM,1, "stringOut\nString", 0);        # 2
    perlutil::add_datum_status ($OUTPUT_DATUM,1, "boolOut\nBoolean", 0);        # 3
    $datum = perlutil::get_datum(1,$OUT_INT); 
    IntDm::SetMinValue($datum, -1000000000);     
    IntDm::SetMaxValue($datum, 1000000000);
    $datum = perlutil::get_datum(1,$OUT_FLOAT); 
    DoubleDm::SetMinValue($datum, -1000000000.0);     
    DoubleDm::SetMaxValue($datum, 1000000000.0);


sub UIAction
    #make a note of all datums if you want to use them again after returning 1 from here
   return 0;


sub PreRun
    # make sure that all input datums can be linked
    my $i = 0;
    my $thisDm = 0;
    for ($i =0;$i< $RES_BOOL + 1;$i++)
        $thisDm = perlutil::get_datum(0, $i);
        $currentFlags = Composite::GetEditability($thisDm);
        Composite::SetEditability( $thisDm , $currentFlags | $EM_CAN_MODIFY_AT_RUNTIME );
    return 0;                        


sub Run
    my $passFlag = 0;
    my $int = perlutil::get_datum_int(0, $RES_INT);
    my $float = perlutil::get_datum_double(0,$RES_FLOAT);
    my $string = perlutil::get_datum_string(0,$RES_STRING);
    my $bool = perlutil::get_datum_status(0,$RES_BOOL);
    perlutil::set_datum_int($OUTPUT_DATUM, $OUT_INT, $int);
     perlutil::set_datum_double($OUTPUT_DATUM, $OUT_FLOAT, $float);
     perlutil::set_datum_string($OUTPUT_DATUM, $OUT_STRING, $string);
     perlutil::set_datum_status($OUTPUT_DATUM, $OUT_BOOL, $bool);
     return 0;

sub Draw

sub PostRun 

sub Update    


sub Start

sub Stop
return 1;

Software Version

2.0 & above

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