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Can't create new variables. I also get ProjectLoadErr when trying to add a new .pmc


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Feel like I'm missing something in my IDE. 

Using PowerPMAC IDE with an arm,LS1021A Firmware

When adding new variables, they do not seem to populate. Hovering over the tags shows this:

Type : Global

Name : homingSlvEpoxyChanger

Value : stdin:9:2: error #20: ILLEGAL CMD: homingSlvEpoxyChanger


Also tried to add a new .pmc and get ProjectLoadErr. The project will build but will not download. Output shows this:

Error: Opening File: "/var/ftp/usrflash/Project/PMAC Script Language/Libraries/homeSlvEpoxyChanger.pmc"


I've tried just building, build and download, saving, $$$. Feel like something is missing in the complier, but im stuck here.

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This is an existing project that I am just beginning to edit. I can make code changes as long as I use the existing routines and variables. 

homingSlvEpoxyChanger is a new global variable I just added. It is not used for anything else. It doesn't give me any build and download issues, just does not have a valid value. 

homeSlvEpoxyChanger.pmc is a new subroutine I just created. I can edit it, and build the program, but it will throw the error I listed above when attempting a download.

I cannot complete a build and download unless I delete the freshly made homeSlvEpoxyChanger.pmc 

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The name "homeSlvEpoxyChanger.pmc" does not matter. The problem is that homeSlvEpoxyChanger is used for a global variable name as well as after "open program". I would suggest changing it to "Open Prog homeSlvEpoxyChangerProg" to make the program name unique.

Edited by Eric Hotchkiss
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