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  1. I am building a machine which winds a coil and I need to control the spindle axis and two linear axis based of the tension feedback. Can you describe the best procedure for doing this.
  2. Looking for suggestions on how to get better servo response in time base following.
  3. ronf1964

    Nc16 help

    Need help getting NC16 running. Issue of every time I launc it it comes up with want to reinstall or repair the Microsoft c++ sp1 distribution package
  4. Any thoughts on the best way to control two axis moving in a vector? Right now we are bringing our gap voltage into and analog channel and using timebase following. The problem with this is the process is erratic. We use reverse look ahead to change directions if we drop below our set point.
  5. ronf1964


    Has the IEC-61131 been completed?
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