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Posts posted by MartinOphey

  1. Is it possible to watch the commanded position before it is filtered by pre-notch-filter?


    I have programmed a spline move with motion programm to create a asymmetric sine wave. The motion programm spline between sine reference points.

    If I use the pre-notch-filter the original reference position is not the same like commanded position of motor.


    I do not want to create a phantom motor for this.


  2. How I can watch lokal C-Variables form rticplc.c?

    Regarding the folowing sample: stiffness1



    #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../Include/pp_proj.h"const double pi = 3.1415926535;void simulation(void);void realtimeinterrupt_plcc(){simulation();	}void simulation(void){//input variables for simulation double mass, freq1;       //output variablesint feedback1;//simulation constantsdouble stiffness1;       ....       //copy parameters from P-variables  to double variables       mass = GetGlobalVar (pSimMass);       ...      stiffness1 = 2 * pi * pi * freq1 * freq1 * mass;      feedback1=....       ....      //set the simulation output parameters: feedback positions       SetPtrVar (mSimMotor1FeedbackPos, feedback1);}






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