I am having problems with CIRCLE commands being skipped or ignored. I have a linear move followed by a complete circle, the following is a portion of the program
The circle on line 35 executes but the circle on line 70 does not. If I move the start point around the circle it works when it is at 180°, 210°,240° and 270° but it skips the circle at 195°, 225° and 255°.
We are using absolute vector mode for I and J, ABS(I,J) is at the beginning of the program. Our SegMoveTime is set to 1, I tried larger numbers but no change. If I change from CCW to CW circles (CIRCLE2 -> CIRCLE1) some circles are still skipped but not the same ones.
Is there a tolerance value that determines when a complete circle is executed and when a small arc is executed? Our start point and end point are identical to 5 digits so I don't see how this could be an issue.
As a temporary work around, I broke the CIRCLE into two 180° pieces. This works for now, but I can't tell our customers that they can't program full circles.