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  1. Can you please email me your sample application @ dro.ghazarian@Omron.com and also the firmware.
  2. Hi, please go to Tools->Options menu in the IDE. In the Options window expand the Projects and Solutions node and select the build and run option. in this option, change the msbuild project build output verbosity and msbuild project build file verbosity settings to normal. Do a build only and check the output window for the compiling progression of your c apps and visually you can see which one is taking more time to compile. Are you compiling a Realtime routine?
  3. Do you do a build and download or only a build? At the end of a build or a build and download we print in the output window all the messages that are generated by the build and download and also we print the total time for build and also the total time for the download process as well, can you share those numbers. I want to see whether the build is taking the time or the download. For the build process portion of the build and download, we upload the libraries from the Power Pmac one time during your first build or build and download process. After the initial upload, the subsequent builds only check the type of the PMAC you are connected to generate the correct make files for the build, which would not consume any time at all.
  4. We are not planning to make PDK compatible with .net core.
  5. As you noticed we only have cross compilers for c and c++. Unfortunately we will not make a cross compiler for Fortran, you can compile your code on the Power PMAC once you get the Fortran compiler and libraries installed.
  6. dro

    Offline build

    Before re installing the IDE, what device did you communicate with? To set the original default Power PMAC libraries for a no device build (Libraries that you get on your very first IDE installation) do the following: 1. Go to the directory: C:\DeltaTau\Power PMAC IDE\compilers\usr\local 2. Rename "dtlibs" folder to "dtlibs old" 3. double click on dtlibs.exe and let it extract in the current folder. 4. check your IDE again to see if you can do a No Device build.
  7. Anil, Please email me your project, there might be a setting in your project that is causing this. my email is: drog@deltatau.com
  8. A large kernel object or having debugging information in it has no affect on the performance of a kernel object. We build our kernel object with optimization and the debug info is probably inserted at some point from the specific Linux kernel source that we are using to compile usralgo.ko. Debug symbols of a compiled code are located in a different section of a code/data structure and they are not loaded at the runtime, so those extra symbols would not penalize the performance. what you see in your objdump shows you the debug symbols in the extra sections. you can easily remove the debug symbols from usralgo.ko with the following command: strip --strip-debug usralgo.ko you will notice that the size of usralgo.ko will be much smaller, which will be similar to the size of a usralgo.ko compiled for a Power Pmac 460. I will check to see if our cross compiler would support stripping at the compile time and if it does then I will change the make files in the IDE to do so. Nonetheless it has no affect on performance.
  9. You can Compile your C codes without any Power PMAC, but the real Power PMAC simulation is not available yet. It will be available in one of our future releases this year.
  10. Which windows version do you see this issue?
  11. Within the IDE, we only support C code across the board, but you can compile c++ code outside of the IDE for the background C Programs. The user servo algorithms are strictly C, since they are running in kernel space so you can not use c++ for the servo algorithms. we also use Matlab and embedded coder to generate c files for custom servo algorithms. Can you generate c instead of c++?
  12. Realtime Routines only works with C because it runs in kernel space. C++ is not going to work.
  13. What version of the IDE are you using?
  14. I am working on fixing this bug so it will display errors that fall in that special category. rint was a special case, but I have not seen any errors in using the sin() function. how are you using it?
  15. your rint() problem is genuine one. When you compile your code in Release mode, we try to optimize your executable. The compiler replaces your original rint() function to a more optimized lrintf() function, depending on the parameter of the function and it's return type. We have our own math library in the Power PMAC and we are not using the standard math library because it is not as efficient as we want it to be. In our math library we have rint() function defined but we do not have lrintf() and that is why you see the error. We have two ways of solving your problem. One way is to use custom make files in the IDE and lower the optimization to stop the compiler from optimizing rint() function. I will explain you more about this route if you decide to use it. The other solution is to declare the lrintf() function in your capp1.c file as the following. double lrintf(double x) { return rint(x); } and change your call to: a=(int)rint(1.5);
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