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  1. add IDE 2D- compensation rollover "false" comptable[m].ctrl = $4 It will be $14.
  2. This problem occurs only in the global include folder. So now I am working on the PLC PROGRAM folder...
  3. Hi Eric Where can I get some documents or examples related to the logging on USB in C-app?
  4. illop


    You can access "ecatsdo" function. ecatsdo Function: Access an EtherCAT Service Dictionary Object (SDO) Syntax: ecatsdo ({expression},{expression},{expression}, {expression},{expression},{expression}) The ecatsdo function permits the user to access (write to or read from) the specified EtherCAT Service Dictionary Object (SDO) from within a program. This function can only be used if Sys.EcatType is set to 0 (Etherlab stack). If Sys.EcatType is 1 (Acontis stack), use the similar ecattypedsdo function. This function takes 6 arguments. The first argument is the “direction” of the access. It should be 0 to write to the SDO, or 1 to read from the SDO. The second argument is the slave index value “j” of the device, corresponding to the structure ECAT.Slave[j] assigned to the device. The third argument is the index number of the SDO. The fourth argument is the subindex number of the SDO. The fifth argument is the data value for the SDO. If the function is used to write to the SDO (first argument = 0), this is the value that will be written, If the function is used to read from the SDO (first argument = 1), this value is not used (but a value must be present here, even if it is unused, in order for the function to execute). The sixth argument is the master index value “i” (i.e. the EtherCAT network index) of the device, corresponding to the structure ECAT.Slave[j] assigned to the device. The return value of the function in the case of a valid “read” access is the data value of the specified SDO. The return value in the case of an invalid “read” access is “not-a-number” (nan). The return value of the function in the case of a valid “write” access is 0. The return value in the case of an invalid “write” access is “not-a number” (nan). Even if the returned value is not really used in the application, it still must be stored somewhere; for example, by assigning it to a “dummy” variable as shown in the example code below. Example global sdoresult; sdoresult = ecatsdo(0,0,$6060,0,10,0); // Write to CAN object sdoresult = ecatsdo(1,0,$6061,0,0,0); // Read from CAN object Jaehyuk
  5. Hi, All I want to know status of C-applications(capp1).. in PowerPMAC (Stop or Running) How can monitoring in plc program or bgcplc..? Thanks
  6. Hi. I also experienced the same symptoms in PowerUMAC In my case, 1)Connect PowerUMAC throught micro-usb 2)delete userflsh folder or rename userflash folder 3) Copying the contents of userflash.1 to userflash 4) clear ^^
  7. In my case, Disconnected PPMAC ISSUE was clear after IP address change. for example LAN CARD 1) connected PPMAC LAN CARD 2) before -> after-> connected vision Thanks
  8. Hi~ CharlesP Look at the image.. derivative gain 1,2 and velocity feed forward 1,2 are different. That is not problem of no motor enabled.
  9. Hi CharlesP. Now web access is no problem. I updated "powerpmacweb.deb" in release firmware. Is there any compatibility issues with the latest firmware( for example "Diagnostics => Step Move " values seems to have a problem.
  10. Hi CharlesP~ I'm sorry to be late in replying. There is no problem (I'm just being test- PC to PPMAC direct connect) About Two month before the issue was not. But now most PC have same problem.
  11. I can't access PPMAC Web is same Connection is no probs. firmware : and I can see only Title " PPMAC Web - Home" Other PC result is same..
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