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  1. Good morning, Trying to setup a Power UMAC to work with a drive in analog torque mode. In the System Setup tool when entering Amplifier Information, we choose Position Control = False, Velocity Control = False, and Torque Control = True. This opens up another section for Power Ratings. Regardless of what values we enter, we get the error "Invalid max bus voltage, can not be 0 or empty! Cannot Update." This is step one in the motor setup tool, so without moving past this we can't continue with the setup. The output tab says only: system ethercat -m0 xml //1/28/2016 :9:38 AM - system ethercat master // 1/28/2016 :9:38 AM - Sys.MaxEcats = 1 // 1/28/2016 :9:38 AM - See attached picture. We've tried every value we can think of and still get the same error. Any advice on how we can move along here? Thanks!
  2. We've tried that. No change. FYI - When we load in a new, blank project, we get the following errors on the output: uploading pp_save.cfg file from the Power Pmac. Error: Could not upload the pp_save.cfg file from the Power Pmac. uploading pp_custom_save.cfg file from the Power Pmac. Error: Could not upload the pp_custom_save.cfg file from the Power Pmac. uploading pp_error.log file from the Power Pmac. Error: Could not upload the pp_error.log file from the Power Pmac. uploading pp_proj.log file from the Power Pmac. Error: Could not upload the pp_proj.log file from the Power Pmac. uploading pp_error_hist.log file from the Power Pmac. Error: Could not upload the pp_error_hist.log file from the Power Pmac. On the terminal when we issue a save command, we get: Save Did Not Complete. Check Sys.WDTFault & LOG\pp_error_hist.log file
  3. Charles, We get the same error with a New, blank project. We did not change firmware or IDE versions. Nothing significant (only one line of code) was changed when we tried to build and download and started getting this error. The IDE version is dated 4/21/2015. The firmware version is
  4. We just tried to build and download changes to a project on a 2 axis Power UMAC and received a message on the output saying: "Error: Opening /var/ftp/usrflash/Database/pp_hardware.sym File". We have been downloading changes to this project regularly for weeks without ever seeing this error. We have not made significant changes since our last build and download. We have tried power cycling the PMAC and restoring it to factory defaults. We have not had any luck. Do you have any idea what could be causing this or how to fix it?
  5. What is the maximum value for sys.time? At some point will it roll over back to 0?
  6. Thanks Steve. Can there only be one user buffer? I ask because I'm already using one for modbus communication. If I define a new UBuffer, would it write over my current one or would it append to it? If I were to use one UBuffer for both modbus and recipes (presumably by just defining the UBuffer to be 10000 words larger than it currently is), would that necessarily mess up my current modbus configuration? Certain motion programs I am using reference specific m-variables within the modbus UBuffer already.
  7. I have an application where I'm using a recipe system. With this recipe system, there are 5,000 recipes with 2 values for each recipe (10,000 total) I'm interested in storing on the Turbo Geobrick. Is there a way to store values like this besides just storing them in individual variables? I know with the Power series I could use a C program to dump the information into a file and just parse that file when I need to. Not sure if I have any options for Turbo though.
  8. I'm trying to home a motor into a hard-stop. This will involve very slowly moving the motor until it reaches the hard-stop and then backing it off some small amount. I'm wondering if there is a recommended way to look for this in the PMAC? Would I somehow look for a spike in the current? Something else? A point in the right direction would be appreciated.
  9. I'm trying to integrate an inductive sensor with the Geobrick. It's a 24V NPN sensor so I'm using a 24V relay with 5V coming into the relay from the EQU1 pin. I've currently got the flag return connected to pin 13 on the Geobrick, common. I've tried connecting the output of the relay to the user flag, home flag, and NC positive limit flag at separate times and watching to see it's corresponding m-variable change (m115, m120, m121), but none of those values are ever changing. They are always 1. I've measured the voltage, and I'm getting 4.5V and 0V across the flag and flag return when I expect to based on the sensor. Are there any variables I need to initialize to get this to work? The only things I could find were i124 and i125. I have those set to $1 and $78000 respectively.
  10. I'm wondering if you have any documentation for communicating with a device connected to the ETH1 port on the Power PMAC CPU? This device can communicate using TCP/IP. This device is a camera, not a computer. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.
  11. Does the RS232 pin connector mate with a 0.1 inch pitch header?
  12. The Power PMAC CPU has a 10 pin, keyed, male RS232 connector near the bottom. I need to purchase the connecting female connector. Do you have a known working part number for the mating connector? I have been unable to find the specifications in the user's manual. Or if applicable, could you point me to the correct section of the user's manual?
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