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Everything posted by kandauru

  1. Hi, what is a common way to set Coord[x].Ta, Coord[x].Td, Coord[x].Ts parameters? I mean, how to calculate it? I have a speed and a distance in my case. It used to be all 0 while using rotary buffer in my application, but we started to face a problem and I played a little with those parameters - it helped. So, I want to know how some basic principles of setting it. Please, advise.
  2. Thank you all, this was a mechanical problem at the end.
  3. Hi I need it to test my flags (Home, Negative, Positive), make sure that all connected sensors are Ok.
  4. Hi, just opening System Setup causes them to act up.
  5. Hi, just to make it clear for me, instead of: //// Motor 1 - X1 Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1; Motor[1].DacShift = 0; Motor[1].pAdc = 0; //// Motor 2 - X2 Motor[2].CmdMotor = 1 //leader id/ Motor[2].ServoCtrl = 8 //follower Motor[2].GantrySlewRate = 2 Motor[2].DacShift = Motor[1].DacShift Motor[2].pAdc = Motor[1].pAdc I should try: Motor[1].Ctrl=Sys.GantryXctrl Motor[1].ExtraMotors=1 And tune cross-coupling terms Motor[x].Xpg, Xig, and Xvg for both motors. How should be declared Motor[2] in such a case? (Motor[2].CmdMotor for example). Does it appear somewhere in manuals?
  6. Hi, of course I saved my project with SAVE command. When I enter System Setup window the bridge motors behave very dangerously (huge noise, unexpected jerk on motors). Again, I repeat, it happens only with Power Brick Controller. Maybe the switch off/on will help, but I don't want to take a chance. Please, check it.
  7. Hi, I move motor X1 only in gantry mode, X2 is inaccessible from my application Here are the gantry mode related settings: //// Motor 1 - X1 Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1; Motor[1].DacShift = 0; Motor[1].pAdc = 0; //// Motor 2 - X2 Motor[2].CmdMotor = 1 //leader id/ Motor[2].ServoCtrl = 8 //follower Motor[2].GantrySlewRate = 2 Motor[2].DacShift = Motor[1].DacShift Motor[2].pAdc = Motor[1].pAdc &1 #1->X #2->0 //X2
  8. Hi, we use Power Brick Controller and last Power PMAC IDE( When I go to Tools->System Setup menu and enter System Setup Window, the power brick controller looks like got reset and all parameters become default. It creates a dangerous situation for us because we work with very heavy bridge in gantry mode. The only thing helps is to recompile and download all again. With Power PMAC controller it does not happen. Please, advise. Thank you in advance.
  9. No, the following error is not excessive. But it is not becoming 0 at the end of the movement. It stays still small up to 20 motor units (the motor ratio is 266 mu/mm).
  10. Hi, we are running the machine with 8 axes. X1 and X2 are in gantry-follower mode (it is a bridge), defined as: 1->X 2->0 Motor parameters and motors are same. The problem is that in any kind of movement (JOG, REL, ABS) X1 and X2 are not synchronized. X2 (the follower) moves or faster, or slower, depends on direction. It is Power Brick controller with last Power PMAC IDE ( Please, advise.
  11. In our case Motor[1].pLimits = Motor[2].pLimits = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].Status.a. But, anyway, only Motor[1].HomeComplete gets true. For follower motor Motor[2].HomeInProgress is true and nothing happens. Here is our sequence: 1) Set leader/follower mode: Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1; Motor[2].ServoCtrl = 8 Motor[2].CmdMotor = 1 ... 2)Set CS: #1->X #2->0 3)Home Procedure: - jog X1 and X2 until limit - home 1,2 from limit and stop - set max and min positions Please, advise.
  12. Ok, I will try to change it as you say. What do you mean - "download" features? Can I get an example? Do you have it described in manuals? Thank you!
  13. Dear Steve, Look at my log file. You can see that I am trying to send 12500 lines like "&1 open Rotary M1==3 Z-267.210570803917Y389.866514857707A-0.358278226601289B89.3536535032119X782.157273835703 Close ", of course, positions are different from line to line. When I try do so, the connection is lost. TIMEOUT problem happens on the next loop, so, it happens because of the lost connection. But, can you help me with the original problem? I tried to increase buffer size while defining rotary buffer: "&1 define rotary bufferSize" Then, I tried to add buffer size as last parameter of ConnectGpAscii function: connection.ConnectGpAscii(ipaddress, port, user, password, bufferSize). But, the situation is still same. I cannot send a big amount of data(commands) with a single call of GetResponse function. Looks like there is a limitation of buffer size. If I have short trajectories, let's say 2500 lines, it is working perfectly. Please, advise. LogFile.txt
  14. Hi, recently my communication module based on Power PMAC Component stopped working. I found that GetResponse function returns status "TimeOut" instead of "OK". Also, I found out, that our application must send a huge amount of data when the problem happens. So, my question, is there any parameter (wait time) that should be adjusted according to amount of data is going to be sent to the controller? Or maybe any other solution? Please, advise.
  15. Hi, I tried to do that manually, but the problem is still there - "Do A Step Move" is not working. I am using same motor setup file you built when you were here. So, my question is - if I can take project from UMAC and re-compile it on Power Brick controller? Is it compatible? Of course I have replaced Acc24E3 with Gate3. Once again, I am working with same system (all motors are same in both cases, just UMAC rack replaced with PowerBrick controller). Thank you in advance. 4-encoder conversion table.pmh 5-motor setup.pmh
  16. Below you can find additional responses that are not $0: Gate[0].PartOpt2 = $8 Gate[1].PartOpt2 = $8; Let me know what is the conclusion.
  17. I have noticed that in IC information "Channels = N\A". Is that OK? In UMAC rack I see here "4 Analog".
  18. Hi, I don't see the option to select DAC output. Look at the attached screenshot. Regards.
  19. Attached is same hard disk, but it is connected to UMAC rack now. All fields are coming filled with data automatically in Hardware node and Accept button works. So, it looks like the problem is in Power Brick Controller. Please, advise.
  20. Hello Brad, we want to work in Torque mode, but somewhere in Power Brick's manual I saw that it should be in Direct PWM mode, so, I have tried both and the result - same message comes on Accept button.
  21. and here is the serial number. Pull-down options are empty.
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