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  1. I had the same issue, eth0 wouldn't communicate but eth1 did. On connecting via serial, I issued commands ifdown eth0 followed by ifup eth0 and the port started communicating again. Sometimes both eth0 and eth1 go down and it happens regularly. The processor is a PowerPC APM86xxx running firmware. Network settings as follows: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask gateway
  2. In Turbo PMAC we had to scale the PID gains when writing a custom PID loop with constants such as these: #define K16 0.000015259 ; Constant of 2^-16 #define K128 0.0078125 ; Constant of 1/128 #define K23 0.000000119 ; Constant of 2^-23 ... DACOUT = FLIMIT(ITOF(Ix30)*K16 ...etc. ... Does Power PMAC require such scaling when writing custom routines? If so, what are the scale factors that we should use? I am insterested in replicating motion behaviour in Matlab/Simulink. The Matlab/Simulink section in the Power PMAC IDE manual doesn't mention any scaling of the sort but I just needed confirmation and understaning of the differences between Turbo & Power PMAC as my simulations don't match up the actual motion profiles. Thanks.
  3. Try Mx75 which under my Clipper configuration shows as "Actual quadrature current", I've used that before to try and gauge how close I was to the max motor rating that I was configuring, it proved to be very useful. Also see Mx77 "Quadrature current-loop integrator output" that may help you.
  4. In PMAC Plot you can select the "Servo Cmd Out" checkbox when selecting the relevant waveforms that you want to plot. This checkbox will give you access to "ServoCmd Output" and "Current" waveforms. Where's current control happening in your system, on the Clipper or 3rd party amplifier?
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