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pmac need upgrade firmware


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i need bin file upgrade firmware 
product: PMAC-PCI-Lite Motion Control Card
assy :no.603657-107
card use by flow waterjet system
my country is Taiwan
Because of some problems that occurred
debug led is red light led
use jump E51 reset pmac card
but window tip need upgrade firmware 


my email:egghead841@gmail.com





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Firmware (FW) upgrades for obsolete hardware are no longer available. The message you receive is most probably the result of corrupted communications due to the “Watchdog” condition and FW would not be software loadable in this case. This card will require a repair. Note that you will need to have the machine configuration file provided by Flow Corporation to recover the card’s operation as a repair will clear the card of all configuration data. Please contact your local Omron repair center to have this card repaired:



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Thanks steve.milici

I have sent this control card to the flow waterjet company in Taiwan for testing.

Because this control card also came to Taiwan from Flow Waterjet Company in the United States.

It has been explained that it is indeed the watchdog prompt that caused the communication error.

Used E51 jump reset control card

Watchdog LED no longer lights up

But you just need to upgrade the firmware

I will try to contact Omron in Taiwan again


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Then it sounds as if the card may be OK to use - it just has a “software watchdog”. If it worked before whatever caused the watchdog condition, then it should not need a FW upgrade. It just needs to be reset to factory defaults and then reload the Flow machine configuration. If you have the configuration file and you know how to download it, execute the following to “factory clear” the card:








Then reload the machine configuration.

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Thanks steve.milici

I used Google to find the user manual for pmac

But I Used jump E51

Then put it back on the computer

jump is not removed 

And it has not yet been connected to the pmac terminal carrier board of the machine.

In the pewin command screen

Key in $$$***

Will appear 「Time Out」message


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Thanks steve.milici

We actually have another control card

But the problem with this control card is

Return to the origin of the machine when setting

(machine home)

Under normal circumstances, the movement direction is to the lower left

But the problem with this control card

But it moves to the upper right

Cause machine errors 

But the switch component can be moved normally

Now the machine can only be used normally through commands from Flow Cut.


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