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Machine setup data


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I am curious about dealing with machine setup data that needs to be static for a given machine, but still allows technicians to change very infrequently from machine to machine, site to site.  I know about how "fsave" variables effectively give Non-Volatile memory locations ...but, I don't really trust it ...or like the idea of casual users having programmatic access to the machine.

'Curious if any experienced users on this forum have come up their own way of dealing with this and what the strengths and weaknesses of alternative methods might be.

Thanks in advance...

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My personal experience is that I don't trust the settings generated by the IDE software.

Usually I write the settings into the Global Includes folder, and disallow PPMAC from using systemsetup.cfg.

It is very reliable to use the "fsave" command to temporarily save the contents of certain variables. Our users have been using it without any problems.

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Thanks for the reply.... For sure the settings created by the IDE need to be heavily scrutinized! … But that's not what I’m talking about.  Imagine you have dozens of machines out in the field, but the only difference between them is, let’s say… a gearbox ratio, and this could change over time. It would be cleaner to put that gearbox ratio in an f-saved variable than to have an entirely different project just to deal with one variable change.  But, it means someone in the field needs to be trained in the use of the IDE, exposes other problems, etc.  I suppose a custom application could be written to handle manipulating only this single variable…but that carries some baggage, too.  

For one project, I added a rotary BCD switch wired to some unused I/O that allowed maintenance to choose among 16 options for the machine without using a computer.  It worked out well.  I’m looking for something akin to that, but that would work for a floating point number with high precision.  



Edited by DaveBarnett
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I think your idea is very creative.

I don't know much about your equipment, something like this can be fixed in the controller as a file. Or modify and set through a host computer software.

I may not want unrelated personnel to easily change the PMAC controller configuration through DIP switches. I personally prefer to perform this operation through a dedicated host computer software.

I think your needs can be met, but it will be a little more complicated.


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On 2/23/2024 at 9:12 PM, DaveBarnett said:

Thanks for the reply.... For sure the settings created by the IDE need to be heavily scrutinized! … But that's not what I’m talking about.  Imagine you have dozens of machines out in the field, but the only difference between them is, let’s say… a gearbox ratio, and this could change over time. It would be cleaner to put that gearbox ratio in an f-saved variable than to have an entirely different project just to deal with one variable change.  But, it means someone in the field needs to be trained in the use of the IDE, exposes other problems, etc.  I suppose a custom application could be written to handle manipulating only this single variable…but that carries some baggage, too.  

For one project, I added a rotary BCD switch wired to some unused I/O that allowed maintenance to choose among 16 options for the machine without using a computer.  It worked out well.  I’m looking for something akin to that, but that would work for a floating point number with high precision.  




You can use the script's preprocessing instructions to implement different settings.



The example is as follows:





Then you can directly modify the predefinition in us'rflash via the sed command in Linux, such as the “_Machine_1” in the example above.

Use the instructions below to switch the _Machine_1 to _Machine_2.After that, all you have to do is send $$$ and you'll be able to use the new settings

system mount -o remount,rw /opt
system sed -i 's/#define _Machine_1/#define _Machine_2/g' /opt/ppmac/usrflash/Project/PMAC\ Script\ Language/Global\ Includes/global\ definitions.pmh
system mount -o remount,ro /opt







Edited by MoMo
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