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How to change the motor speed


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I am using ethercat and the servo drives are in CSV mode, my current motion program (motion.pmc) is as follows.
open prog1
f 50
x 100
x 0
This motion program has a speed of 50, now I want to have an offset for the motor speed, say with a veloffset, but I don't want to modify the motion program, so how do I change the motor configuration file or add a plc program? I found a parameter in ethercat called velorityoffset (60B1) but it doesn't work well and I can't change the speed by adding the variable veloffset directly to the address corresponding to Motor[x].pDac (target speed).

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The simplest way of doing that should be using the "%{constant}" online command, which overrides the motion program time-base.

In that way you can increase up to two times the velocity described in motion program, sending via terminal the  command


To return to default time-base


If your application really needs as an offset, and the relation between Motor[x].ServoOut and the velocity is well-known, probably you can use the the variable veloffset in Motor[x].DacBias.

Edited by leandro.martins
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It is not easy to use the Motor[1].DacBais parameter as you said. I can only try to operate the existing Motor[1].pDac address, but it still cannot modify the set speed. For example, the original The speed of the motion program is 50, but I want to add 10 to the speed offset. How to do this? Below is my code, where is the problem?


Motor[1].pAmpEnable = ECAT[0].IO[3].Data.a
Motor[1].AmpEnableBit = 0
Motor[1].pLimits = 0
Motor[1].pDac = Sys.Idata[1].a
EncTable[1].pEnc = ECAT[0].IO[4099].Data.a
EncTable[1].pEnc1 = Sys.pushm
EncTable[1].ScaleFactor = 1
EncTable[1].Type = 1
Motor[1].pEnc = EncTable[1].a
Motor[1].pEnc2 = EncTable[1].a
Motor[1].pAmpFault = ECAT[0].IO[4102].Data.a
Motor[1].ctrl =Sys.servoctrl
Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1

open plc0

ECAT[0].IO[1].Data = Sys.Idata[1] + 1000  //target vel

open prog1


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In my opinion your plc is doing exactly the same thing if you set

Motor[1].pDac =ECAT[0].IO[1].Data
Motor[1].DacBias = 100

but your plc is being executed in a different task, with a different interruption.
I assume that can make the motor to use the ECAT[0].IO[1].Data before the offset being applied.

My best suggestion would be changing the motion program to

open prog1

being possible to use the Coord[x].Q[1] as your veloffset.

As that isn't an option, I don't think that I have more suggestions.

I hope someone else can help you.

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I set it up like you said, but the movement of the motor is something I can't understand, the speed of the motor after the enable on the motor is the reciprocating movement, it is reciprocating around the point where the position is 0. My understanding in this is that the motor can't move properly according to the value I gave for Motor[1].DacBais due to the presence of the position loop that restricts the movement of the motor. When running the motion programme, there is no significant change in its speed, is my understanding of Motor[1].DacBais incorrect?
This is how I am using it as you said.
Motor[1].pDac =ECAT[0].IO[1].Data
Motor[1].DacBias = 100

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First you must clarify the following:

①No matter what mode your motor uses in PMAC, CSP, CSV or CST, PMAC will eventually change it to position control mode.

②When you use a motion program, the controller plans a position-time curve, so its speed-time curve is also determined.

③If you want to simply offset the motion speed through DacBias, this is only possible when the motor is in open loop mode, which for your current situation means that you cannot control the position.

④The easiest way for your current situation is to use the TimeBase or Coord[].SegOverride mentioned above to change the speed. The premise of using Coord[].SegOverride is that Coord[].SegMoveTime is not 0

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