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Stewart Platform always rerturns to zero before move.


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I'm building a Stewart platform(hexapod) and on the first commanded move the unit works correctly but, on any move after that the all the actuators return to zero travel and then move to the commanded position. Any help or suggestions to resolve this problem would be appreciated.
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It seems like your inverse kinematics are correct, but the forward are not. You need a position reporting PLC or PLCC (mimicking the forward kinematics) to keep updating the last reported position for the iteration to converge, and do so in a timely manner. I am currently working on documenting the latest, and improved, iteration of the code we run on our Hexapod Demos. I will be posting it on the forum shortly. But feel free to send me an e-mail to rnaddaf@deltatau.com, and I will be happy to provide you with a pre-released version.
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You were right Richard, there was a problem with both the forward kinematics and the reporting plc. I got both of the problems corrected and now the hexapod is working correctly. I want to say that the help provided by Delta Tau (you, Sina, Davis Gentry, and Mike Esposito) has been exceptional. Thanks again.
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