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ACC-72E CAN/Profibus


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ACC-72E uses different Hilscher modules for different protocols. Here is a list of Hilscher modules which are being used on ACC-72E:


Module       Fieldbus 
-----------  -----------------
COM-DPM      Profibus Master
COM-DPS      Profibus Slave
COM-CA-DNM   DeviceNet Master
COM-CA-DNS   DeviceNet Slave
COM-COM      CanOpen Master
COM-COS      CanOpen Slave
COM-CNS      ControlNet Slave
COM-CN-CCS   CC-Link Slave



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ACC-72E uses different Hilscher modules for different protocols. Here is a list of Hilscher modules which are being used on ACC-72E:


Module       Fieldbus 
-----------  -----------------
COM-DPM      Profibus Master
COM-DPS      Profibus Slave
COM-CA-DNM   DeviceNet Master
COM-CA-DNS   DeviceNet Slave
COM-COM      CanOpen Master
COM-COS      CanOpen Slave
COM-CNS      ControlNet Slave
COM-CN-CCS   CC-Link Slave





Can any of the CanOpen versions be used to run raw CanBus communications or does the CanOpen layer have to be included?


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We use Hilscher modules for these boards. The memory on these modules act as a Dual Ported RAM to PMAC and all the other communication requirements are done by Hilscher module. If you need detailed information, you need to contact Hilscher.



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