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Hi there,


I just got an ACC-5E and want to use it for a couple of things.

Mainly for the handwheel input and for the Display output.


When I put the board into my UMAC chassis and start UMAC configuration software I had expected to see an extra (unidentified maybe) I/O board or an Macro board.

I made sure there where no other boards in the chassis except for the Turbo Pmac and ofcourse the PSU.


Because I do not see any extra boards I think my ACC-5E is broken.


Is there any way to check it further?


Regards from Belgium, Otto.


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Please make sure to issue a "$$$***" command. This will re-initialize the CPU, causing it to detect new hardware on the back plane. Once reinitialized, you can see the ACC-5E. The variable I4902 will show which address Gate2 has been detected on.



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Hello Sina,


well I did just that and checked the value of I4902.

It came back wit $0 which can not be true i guess.

I put the card on the first address of the table and I got the Macro chip on it.

Any suggestions now?


regards, Otto.

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Hello Sina,


Here are the serial numbers.


ACC-5E (603447-101) S/N: C0007EQD


3U-Turbo (603766-104) S/N:C0003VNZ V1.942 5C0 (option)


I tried the ACC-5E also with a different CPU but this did not change the situation.


I hope this helps somewhat.


Regards, Otto.

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Both your cards are new and they will not have any compatibility issue. If you have already tested the ACC-5E with another CPU and got the same result, it indicates a problem with ACC-5E. Please start an RMA process with Delta Tau customer support or through your Delta Tau distributor.



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